Ecodharma Sangha

Meeting monthly on the Coffs Coast for a discussion and meditation practice. Our aspiration is that this group is to create a safe community space where many diverse voices can be heard, and where ancient wisdom flows into present moment experience.

Ecodharma focuses on relationships, particularly our human earth connection from a deep understanding of interconnectedness. It is a term that has has emerged in recent times that integrates Ecology ( the study of the activity of relationships in nature that evolve over time and how they impact the health of both individuals and the system as a whole) and the ancient precious Dharma teachings of the Buddha in offering a path for repairing humanity’s relationship with ourselves, each other and the Earth. Ecodharma draws on the work of authors and teaching including Thích Nhất Hạnh, Stephanie Kaza, Joanna Macy, David Loy, Robin Wall Kimmerer, bell hooks, Dr. Michael Yellow Bird, Gary Snyder, Enrique Salmon, Robert Aitken Rōshi, and others.

For more information, please contact Lisa


Tallowwood Sangha

Tallowwood Sangha is a meditation group practicing in the Insight Meditation tradition. Tallowwood meets 7pm every Monday night at the Bellingen Yoga Studio, Crown St, Bellingen. The evening program includes sitting and walking meditation, occasional Dharma Talks or group discussions. The evening concludes around 8.30pm.

Beginners and experienced practitioners are welcome, just turn up or if you have any questions please ring Will on (02) 6655-8613. A gold coin donation is appreciated to cover the venue hire.

A ‘Day of Mindfulness’ is held every 2nd month in Repton. The full day program is conducted in a retreat style format: sitting, walking meditation, Dharma talk and Dharma inquiry/discussion.

For more information on Tallowwood events contact Will on (02) 6655-8613.


Sydney Insight Meditators

Retreats and workshops.


Vajrayana Institute

Organisers of the conferences – Happiness and It’s Causes and Mind and It’s Potential. VI also organize retreats with international and local guests.


Insight Meditation Network

Retreats and information about events





Insight Timer – uses Tibetan singing bowls to guide you so that you don’t have to keep looking at the clock.

PODCASTS – This is an app you can specific talks by Tara Brach, Dharmaseed and other mindfulness teachers.

JKZ Series 1, 2 and 3 – Jon Kabat-Zinn meditations

Mindfulness for Beginnners – Jon Kabat-Zinn


Podcasts dharma talks and meditation instructions

Tara Bach : talks and guided meditations